Latest Wiltshire COVID-19 casesAlthough the number of cases in Wiltshire is below the national average and rates have fallen again, we still need to keep playing our part. The rate of cases per 100k has decreased from 35.2 to 27.2.The case numbers continue to move in the right direction, you’re all making a huge difference. Thank you.
Service updates and advice as the first stage of lockdown is eased From 29 March, you can meet outside only, in groups of up to six from different households (the Rule of 6) or two households of any size. This includes in private gardens, but please follow this advice closely and don’t break the rules.
The ‘stay at home’ rule will also end on 29 March, but please continue to work from home where possible and minimise the number of journeys you make.
Outdoor sports facilities
Some outdoor sports facilities can reopen from 29 March and you will be able to play formalised sports such as football and tennis.
The council leisure facilities that will be open from 29 March include the tennis courts at Springfield Community Campus in Corsham, the football pitches at Five Rivers Health and Wellbeing Centre in Salisbury for club block bookings, and the tennis courts at the Nadder Centre in Tisbury.
Litter picks
Organised group litter picks can take place in Wiltshire from 29 March, so long as you stick to the Rule of 6 and maintain social distancing.
If you wish to pick litter in your local area, if you can, please dispose of it in your home kerbside waste and recycling collection services. Or if you’re planning a large litter pick, please contact two weeks before the litter pick to arrange a suitable collection point.
Shielding ends on 31 March
On 31 March, the requirement for the clinically extremely vulnerable to shield will formally end, and while this is welcome news, the Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub remains in place for people who may need additional support. You can call the hub on 0300 003 4576 or email between 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday and 10am-4pm Saturday.
Unpaid carers now invited to have COVID-19 vaccination Wiltshire unpaid carers aged 16+ are now being invited for a COVID-19 vaccine.
Unpaid carers who have a carer flag on their GP record will be contacted by their GP practice.
A list of unpaid carers known to us, Carer Support Wiltshire and Youth Action Wiltshire has been shared with the NHS so those who have not already been invited to have a vaccine can be contacted and sent a letter of invitation.
If you are an unpaid carer but are not already known to any of these organisations, you can contact your GP surgery to register as a carer.
If you have any questions or concerns you can contact Carer Support Wiltshire on 0800 181 4118.
Elections – we need you With elections taking place in May, we are asking for people to put themselves forward to carry out a number of paid roles, and help support the local democratic process.
A number of elections are taking place on 6 May, including unitary, town and parish and Police and Crime Commissioner, as well as 10 neighbourhood planning referendums.
We have a number of roles available for people to carry out from 6 – 10 May. The elections, verification and count are taking place over five days, which takes into account the restrictions brought on by the pandemic.
There will be polling stations up and down the county, with the three count venues at the Olympiad in Chippenham, County Hall in Trowbridge, and Five Rivers Health and Wellbeing Centre in Salisbury.
The roles available include Poll Clerk, Presiding Officer, postal vote opening and general support staff.
If you’re interested please visit our website for more information on the roles and to express your interest.
Due to the ongoing pandemic, we want as many of you as possible to vote by post in May’s elections, as this is the most safest and convenient way. For more information, please visit our website.
Census 2021 Have you completed your census form yet?
By taking part, you can help to inform decisions on services that shape your community, such as schools, doctors’ surgeries and bike lanes.
It’s important you fill in your census questionnaire because the information you share affects the life of every single person living in England and Wales.
Because these things matter to us all, everyone needs to complete the census. Do not worry, your information is protected by law. That means government officials dealing with payments or services you receive cannot see it.
If you need help, you can visit where there’s a wide range of support services available.
Easter holiday childcare for parents We have worked with local childminders and activity providers to create a childcare directory for parents that need to work during the upcoming Easter holidays. There is a charge for all provision detailed in the directory.
The first option for any parent needing childcare during the Easter school holidays is to consider forming a childcare bubble locally.
The government has said that people who need childcare during the school holidays for a child under 14 can form a childcare bubble with one other household. Ideally this should be with somebody who live locally. Additional guidance on forming childcare bubbles can be found online.
Where a childcare bubble is not possible, parents can use our directory with details of local childcare providers, fees and locations and contact details.
More details on the childcare directory
Download the directory now