
Changes to Wiltshire Planning Portal

23 March 2021
New planning ICT system

The Wiltshire Council planning team is currently in the process of replacing the ICT system that it uses to register planning and building control applications, and process local land charge searches. This means that the website search facility will also be changing to make it easier for people to find applications.

We have produced this short video to show you the changes and help you use the new website.

Please watch this:

As part of the this project there will be a new consultation portal for Town and Parish Councils to use. This will enable you to manage your consultations better with an easy ‘To Do’ list of outstanding applications and the ability to send comments and attachments through the website. We have trained the majority of Town Councils on this and they have given some positive feedback about this. They will be using this from go live, and it is our intention to roll this out to all parishes from April 2021. To help you understand, we have copied links to videos which show this in more detail.

1.3 – Parish Consultation – Public Register

1.3a – Consultee Initial Log In

We will continue to send you your weekly lists and you will also receive individual emails referring you to applications registered in your parish with a direct link to the specific applications.

As you will be aware, the current system (Northgate M3) is unstable and unreliable and creates problems for our ICT team to keep it running, so the teams are very excited about using the new system, as it will provide simplified processes and automation, improved mobile working and a reduction in duplication.

Please be aware that there may be some disruption to service due to the downtime required to transfer all the data across to the new system.

If you have any questions about this new system please do not hesitate to contact Sally Canter on
