
Wilts Council Update – May Elections, Covid and more

5 March 2021
Stand as a unitary, town or parish councillor in May

Do you have the desire to help and become involved in your community?
Do you have time to give?
Do you like a different challenge every day?
…If so, it might be time for you to stand as a local councillor.

Elections are taking place on 6 May 2021 for unitary, town and parish councils – it’s not too late to be nominated!

Unitary elections
Find out more about what it is like to be a Wiltshire unitary councillor, by visiting Becoming a councillor – Wiltshire Council where you will find FAQs, including details of how to manage the role around work commitments.
The role can be flexible around existing commitments and unitary councillors are currently paid an allowance of £13,833 per year for spend on the role. A carers allowance is also available to help towards care for a dependent whilst you undertake some council duties, such as attending meetings.

Town and parish council elections
A parish councillor is immersed in the local community and it can be a really rewarding role. Find information and videos from parish councillors about their experiences with the National Association of Local Councils Elections — #MakeAChange (, or get in touch with your local parish council.

What next?
Details of how to run for election:

Due to the number of nominations we will be receiving this year we have created an online booking system for you to use to book your appointment to deliver your nomination papers.

Latest Wiltshire COVID-19 casesAlthough the number of cases in Wiltshire is below the national average and rates have fallen again, there’s still a long way to go.

The rate of cases per 100k has decreased from 101.6 to 78.0The sacrifices we’re all making are having a very positive impact, but we all need to keep playing our part to stop the spread of the virus, so please remember – stay at home, protect the NHS, save lives.

The Wiltshire Local Plan review consultation closes on Tuesday

With the Wiltshire Local Plan review consultation ending on Tuesday (9 March), you do not have long left to have your say on where future developments may be built in the county in the next 15 years.

All the Local Plan documents and an online form to submit your comments are on our website, but if you know someone without internet access who wants to have their say, they can call 0300 456 0100 to speak to our Spatial Planning team and submit their comments.

Find out more about the Local Plan review, view documents and have your say

Our staff are ready to support secondary schools as pupils go back to school next week

Our staff are volunteering in a number of secondary schools across the county from Monday, providing support for pupils taking lateral flow tests as part of the back to school programme.

Council officers will be providing assistance over the next two to three weeks as the tests are rolled out.

On 22 February the Government announced schools would reopen to all students from 8 March. Pupils in Year 7 and above have been asked to take twice weekly tests, with the first three happening under supervision at school and then students will carry out the fourth test themselves using a home test kit. Pupils will then continue taking twice-weekly tests using a home test kit provided by the school.

Full details on council staff volunteering at secondary schools next week
Public consultation on the Future Chippenham road route options closes on 12 March

The Future Chippenham consultation closes at 5pm on Friday 12 March and we welcome your views, whether positive or negative. This will help inform the overall project and a decision about which of the three route options within each zone should be taken forward to the next stage of the development process.

You can provide feedback by:

More details and to have your say

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